The Port Macquarie Hastings Canoe Club acknowledges the BIRPAI people as the traditional custodians of the lands and waterways of the Hastings district. The traditional name for the Hastings River is DHOONGANG and GURUK refers to the Port Macquarie area.


Within the immediate radius of our club are the Hastings, Maria, Wilson, Camden Haven, Macleay & Manning Rivers…. a paddler’s playground.

We welcome inquiries from residents of the area & canoeing visitors.

Canoeing / kayaking is an environmentally friendly sporting activity which also allows for constant interaction with Mother Nature. From mysterious mangroves to quiet creeks & back waters, to lakes & wide rivers, there is always something to marvel at. Whether it is fabulous reflections of the sky, mirror perfect images of vegetation that leave you dizzy, slightly disorientated & wondering which way is up or nature’s orchestra of birdsong & insects, canoeing opens up a wonderland to nature lovers, photographers & those among us just wanting to enjoy different experiences. Calming, relaxing & sometimes meditative, canoeing offers it all, as well as improving your fitness.

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Club Paddle Stories & Photos

Click the posts below to read & see all the best parts of our most recent paddles